
The pre-configured and ready-to-use runtime environment for the Udacity's Machine Learning Engineer Nanodegree program (nd009t). It includes Python 3.5, TensorFlow 1.0.0 and Keras 2.0.2. The software stack is optimized for running on CPU.

The pre-configured and ready-to-use runtime environment for the Udacity's Machine Learning Engineer Nanodegree program (nd009t). It includes Python 2.7, TensorFlow 1.0.0 and Keras 2.0.2. The software stack is optimized for running on CPU.

The pre-configured and ready-to-use runtime environment for the Stanford's CS224n course: Natural Language Processing with Deep Learning. It includes Python 3.6 and TensorFlow 1.4.1. The stack also includes CUDA and cuDNN, and is optimized for running on NVidia GPU.

The pre-configured and ready-to-use runtime environment for the Stanford's CS224n course: Natural Language Processing with Deep Learning. It includes Python 2.7 and TensorFlow 1.4.1. The stack also includes CUDA and cuDNN, and is optimized for running on NVidia GPU.

The pre-configured and ready-to-use runtime environment for the Stanford's CS224n course: Natural Language Processing with Deep Learning. It includes Python 3.6 and TensorFlow 1.4.1. The software stack is optimized for running on CPU.

The pre-configured and ready-to-use runtime environment for the Stanford's CS224n course: Natural Language Processing with Deep Learning. It includes Python 2.7 and TensorFlow 1.4.1. The software stack is optimized for running on CPU.

The pre-configured and ready-to-use runtime environment for the Stanford's CS20 course: Tensorflow for Deep Learning Research. It includes Python 3.6 and TensorFlow 1.4.1. The stack also includes CUDA and cuDNN, and is optimized for running on NVidia GPU.

The pre-configured and ready-to-use runtime environment for the Stanford's CS20 course: Tensorflow for Deep Learning Research. It includes Python 3.6 and TensorFlow 1.4.1. The software stack is optimized for running on CPU.

The pre-configured and ready-to-use runtime environment for the MIT 6.S094 course: Deep Learning for Self-Driving Cars, 2017. It includes Python 2.7, TensorFlow 0.12.1 and OpenCV 3.3.0. The stack also includes CUDA and cuDNN, and is optimized for running on NVidia GPU.

The pre-configured and ready-to-use runtime environment for the MIT 6.S094 course: Deep Learning for Self-Driving Cars, 2017. It includes Python 2.7, TensorFlow 0.12.1 and OpenCV 3.3.0. The software stack is optimized for running on CPU.