A completely integrated, pre-configured and optimized for web-specific tasks software stack for Ruby applications with Passenger.
A ready to use runtime environment for PHP applications with completely integrated, pre-configured and optimized for web-specific tasks LEMP stack with the next generation of PHP version 7. It is similiar to the LAMP stack, where Apache is replaced with the lightweight yet powerful Nginx, and PHP works in `php-fpm` mode.
A pre-configured and optimized for better performance LEMP environment for web-applications. It is similiar to the LAMP stack, where Apache is replaced with the lightweight yet powerful Nginx, and PHP works in `php-fpm` mode.
A ready to use runtime environment for PHP applications with completely integrated, pre-configured and optimized for web-specific tasks LEMP stack. It is similiar to the LAMP stack, where Apache is replaced with the lightweight yet powerful Nginx, and PHP works in `php-fpm` mode.