Python, a high-level programming language for general-purpose programming.
Joomla, a free and open source content-management system and framework written in PHP and JavaScript.
Oneclickapp, a one-click install solution with fully configured and ready-to-use web application.
Jupyter Notebook, a browser-based interactive notebook for programming, mathematics, and data science.
Keras, an open source neural network library written in Python.
Oneclickstack, a one-click install solution with fully configured and ready-to-use software stack and runtime environment for web application.
Oneclickstack, a one-click install solution with fully configured and ready-to-use software stack and runtime environment for web application.
Oneclickstack, a one-click install solution with fully configured and ready-to-use software stack and runtime environment for web application.
Oneclickstack, a one-click install solution with fully configured and ready-to-use software stack and runtime environment for web application.
Let's Encrypt HTTPS, the HTTPS web server mode with a SSL/TLS certificate issued by Let's Encrypt.