
Phusion Passenger is a free web server and application server with support for Ruby, Python and Node.js. It is designed to integrate into the Apache HTTP Server or the nginx web server, but also has a mode for running standalone without an external web server.
Web site

A pre-configured and ready to run Spree web application, an open source e-commerce platform built with Ruby on Rails.
spree:3.2.1, postgresql:9.6.2, min-nginx:1.11.2, selfmanagement_preset

A pre-configured and ready to run Spree web application, an open source e-commerce platform built with Ruby on Rails.
spree:3.2.1, mysqld:5.6.36, min-nginx:1.11.2, selfmanagement_preset

A pre-configured and ready to run Tracks GTD web application, built with Ruby on Rails.
tracks:2.3.0-jet-3, mariadb-mysqld:10.0.30, min-nginx:1.11.2, selfmanagement_preset

A pre-configured and ready to run Solidus 2 web application, an open source fork of Spree, eCommerce application for high volume retailers, built with Ruby on Rails.
solidus:2.2.1, postgresql:9.6.2, min-nginx:1.11.2, selfmanagement_preset